Alisadr Cave
The most amazing blue cave in the world
Alisadr Tourist Complex
In the village of Alisadr, Kabudarahang town and 75 km northwest of Hamedan, there is seats one of the natural wonders of the world, a rare example of the world’s watercaves, called Alisadr Cave, which has a longitude of 48 degrees and 18 minutes and a latitude of 18 degrees and a height of 1900 meters above sea level.
Alisadr Cave has been created at Sari Qayeh Heights (Yellow Rock). There are two other caves named Sobashi and Sarab, which are 11 and 7 km, respectively, due to the large extent of crystalline limestone layers in the region it is possible that the caves are connected with Alisadr Cave.
This cave was registered on November 23, 2008, 23rd on the list of national natural monuments of Iran.
This complex is ready to welcome guests and visitors every day (even on holidays)
The cost of visiting the cave route
Visiting hours
- first semester
- 08:00To18:00
- second semester
- 08:30To16:00
- Skating Rink
- W.C
- Restaurant
- Coffee Shop
- Amusement Park
- Residential Villa
- Mosque
- Parking
- Residential Villa
- Mosque
- Parking
- Restaurant
- Coffee Shop
- Amusement Park
- Skating Rink
- W.C

Specialized information about the amazing cave of Alisadr

Date of discovery
Geologists attribute the dating of the rocks of this mountain to the second geological period, the Jurassic period (190 to 136 million years ago), and the evidence obtained from inside the cave suggests that this cave was the refuge of humans.
The people of the village of Alisadr and the surrounding villages had discovered it and exploited its water, but never used it for tourism, until the 28th of September, 1963, a group of 14 members of Hamedan climbers visited and explored Alisadr Cave.
These people were able to advance in the cave with some basic means such as hand lamps and rubber tubes. The visit of this group was reflected in the local newspaper. In 1967, a surprising and endless cave was reflected on at the national media level and climbers, researchers and natural phenomena enthusiasts are attracted to Alisadr Cave.
In 1973, the Hamadan climbers increased the entrance of the cave to 50 centimeters in diameter, and since 1975, the public use of the Alisadar cave began. At that time, the villagers took passengers with a boat and lantern to see the cave’s elementary parts.
As a result of the combination of water from rain drops with carbon dioxide gas in the air a weak carbonic acid forms and influences it in the ground and conducts an unstable chemical reaction called calcium bicarbonate. Because it is soluble in water, Inside the thick limestone layers of empty spaces, and these empty spaces have been expanding for millions of years and have been interconnected. In other words, millions of years ago, creator of the world has been busy with the sculpture of this magnificent masterpiece until this cave is created very wide in the heart of the earth.
Alisadr Cave Beauties
Advances about 10-11 km are made in some passages, but not all canals and connecting networks of the cave have been discovered. Now, after boating for a while in the cave,walking begins in the cave, and Tourists continue to go on a boat with a relatively long distance, so far 14 km from the cave paths are discovered But only 4 km from the passageways, which are decorated with a light-emitting diode, are visited. In general, they visit the vast area of the Great Qandil, the third and fourth islands of the cave, pass through the bends and the twists of the water passageways and corridors with a crystalline roof, make you believe that this work is truly one of the masterpieces of the creation , and no one can describe all this splendor and beauty.
The water of the cave varies from zero to 14 meters in different parts of the cave. Cave water is supplied from underground springs, continuous water from the wall and ceiling of the cave. Their source is generally from the rainfall. The ceiling of the cave, which in some parts is about 10 meters above the surface of the water is covered with pure calcium carbonate, and on some parts is mixed with other elements that have been created along the water flow from the outside into the cavern. These sediments, for the most part, are made up of stalactite, and on the floor of the cave and in places where there is no water, stalagmites can be seen in a variety of shapes.
The view in the cave is very exquisite air and the air is fresh, pure and soft and free from any dust and microbial pollution, it is cool in the summer and warm in the winter, and air is light in the cave, and it has an absolute quiescence, so that if there is a candle lit there, no movement is seen in the flame of the candle.
Alisadr Cave is one of the most beautiful natural sights of Iran and the world in many ways especially due to its continuous waterways and large lakes, suitable for boat riding, spread across the cave and it is a unique phenomenon in its own right. The water in the cave has no color and odor, and it has a normal taste and there is no animal life in the cave. It has a constant temperature throughout the year and it is around 12 degrees Celsius and the water is so clear that up to 10 meters in depth it is well visible with ordinary light and naked eyes . The results of the physio-chemical experiments show that chemical combinations of water are close to each other in different parts of the cave and is close to neutral calcium bicarbonate waters with acidity, and because of the presence of calcareous calcium in water it is not drinkable Since the cave water surplus is guided by a variety of disciplines (such as soar spring) outside the cave, then the water level during the seasons and years is the same, except for occasional low water, but in the case of water scarcity, there are fluctuations whose effects on the wall of the cave are well visible.